5 Ways to Get Over Anxiety When Applying for Your First Credit Card

Getting your first credit card is an exciting prospect, as it gives you access to a powerful financial tool that can change the way you manage your finances. That being said, it can be nerve-wracking to wait for the card issuer’s approval. You might start to second-guess whether or not your application will get accepted, much less get a decent credit limit for your first credit card.


To alleviate these worries and increase the chances of your application getting approved, here are some steps you can take before and during the application process.

  1. Do Your Research

Lack of proper information can easily make you feel unprepared about the entire credit card application process, which can prompt more anxiety than necessary. Hence, make sure to do your research before you fill out your first-time credit card application Philippines form. Keep in mind that not all credit cards are the same, so it’s important to know if the one you’re planning to get is truly what you need. Ask yourself, “What do I want out of a credit card?” and start your research from there. Understanding your personal financial goals can build up your confidence as you apply for a credit card.

You should also check if you meet the minimum qualifications and requirements of the credit card you’re applying for as well. For example, most credit card providers require the applicant to be a Filipino citizen between the ages of 21 to 70 years old and have a steady source of income (whether as an employee or as a self-employed individual) for at least 2 years. If you’re too young or have no job experience at all, then it’s best not to apply yet because your application will most certainly be rejected.

  1. Have All the Required Documents On Hand

Most credit cards have the same documentary requirements, such as a valid government-issued ID, a certificate of employment, and a proof of income in the form of payslips, your latest income tax return (ITR) document, or a registration document for your business. Your proof of income is especially important, as it can help the credit card provider determine if you have the capacity to pay. Make sure to prepare all of these documents even before you download or print your application form to make the entire process a little less stressful.

Do note that some credit card providers also allow you to apply with little to no documents required if you have other qualifications. For instance, you can apply for Maya’s Landers Cashback Everywhere Credit Card through the Maya app with no documents required if you have an active Landers membership. So, if you’re already a Landers member and don’t have a credit card yet, this credit card may be a good option for you.

  1. Double Check Your Application

Credit card application forms, particularly the ones issued by traditional banks, can be overwhelming at first glance given how dense they look. This may make you feel anxious or worried that you will make a mistake or miss a detail. To allay those concerns, always double-check your application before sending it. This goes for online applications as well, as it can be just as easy to make typographical errors as you input your details.

Rest assured that there’s no time limit as you fill out the form, so you don’t have to be pressured about doing it quickly. Instead, take your time to understand each required field to avoid making mistakes.

  1. Talk with a Family or Friend Who Owns a Credit Card

After you’ve submitted your credit card application, waiting for the card issuer’s response can make you uneasy. The evaluation can take a while, sometimes a week or even longer, depending on the type of card you’ve applied for. Rather than ruminate over what-ifs, it’s much better to get your facts by talking with a family member or friend who already owns a credit card. They can clue you in on how long the application process usually takes, as well as what other things to expect, such as how the card will be delivered to you and how to activate it. Having a clear picture of how the process goes can help eliminate the uncertainty and make you feel more reassured as you wait for your application’s result.

  1. Don’t Hesitate to Ask Questions

If there’s anything you’re confused about at any point of the application process, don’t hesitate to ask the banking staff or a customer service representative to clarify it for you. After all, it’s much better to know the answer straight from the source than to worry about it for days on end. Even after you’ve gotten approved and have received your card already, rest assured that you can always reach out to your credit card provider for questions. After all, they stand to benefit from you getting the most out of your credit card, as much as you would benefit from it.

While the nervousness that comes with applying for your first credit card is normal and almost inevitable, there are many ways to diminish those feelings. Let the tips above guide you through your first credit card application to make the process less intimidating.

Revolutionize Your Investments with Automated Trading Solutions: A Guide for Startups

Startups today face a relentless market. Finding an edge is crucial, and often, that edge comes down to efficiency. If you’re part of a growing fintech-focused startup, you’re likely familiar with the constant push to stay ahead. Traditional trading methods simply don’t cut it anymore—human error, slow reactions, and emotional bias all play a role. But there’s a way to change that.

Enter automated trading solutions.

Automated Trading

Automated trading systems have been around for a while, but they’ve grown more sophisticated, accessible, and essential for startups looking to sharpen their investment strategies. They can transform the way you approach both short-term and long-term investments. And yes, like it or not, the machines are here to make money fast—but only if you know how to harness their full potential.

So What Exactly Is Automated Trading?

Not as complicated as it sounds. Automated trading solutions allow you to set a predefined set of rules or conditions for buying and selling assets. These platforms take control once set up, executing trades at high speed when certain conditions are met, without the need for human involvement.

Think of it like programming a robot to react instantly to shifting market indices. It eliminates the fear, bias, and emotion from investment decisions—something humans are notoriously bad at avoiding. Instead, decisions are based purely on logic.

No hesitation. No reconsideration. Just execution.

Why Does It Matter for Startups?

There’s a simple truth to startups: resources are tight. You don’t have the luxury of large teams, and spending hours “figuring out” the market just isn’t sustainable. Time is money, especially when you’re trying to scale. Automated trading offers a way to cut back on manual efforts, while still delivering results that a team of human traders could produce—if not better.

Without automation, every trade becomes a manual decision, meaning you or whoever is in charge of investing has to spend valuable time researching, reacting, and balancing strategies. This just doesn’t resonate with the fast-paced, “fail fast, fail often” mantra most startups live by.

Additionally, automated solutions help mitigate risk. Humans panic, markets shift, and then poor decisions follow. Automation allows trades to happen based on data, not on impulse.

Getting the Most From It Without Risking Everything

Here’s the thing about automated trading: it’s not foolproof. Just because it’s automated doesn’t mean it’s a “set-and-forget” solution. There’s still strategy involved. You need to stay on top of trends, and you need to know when to tweak your rules. Following the market without any human oversight is a guaranteed way to get burned eventually.

Start simple. Start by using the automation to complement—not replace—human discretion.

  1. Backtest your strategies. Most platforms enable backtesting, meaning you can simulate how the strategy would have worked based on past data. The market doesn’t behave exactly the same way over time, but if you’re noticing red flags in your simulated results, it pays to revisit your automation setup.
  2. Set risk parameters. There’s no reason why automation should accelerate loss. Make sure you’ve got strong stop-loss triggers in place and that you’re not investing money you can’t afford to lose. The bigger the risk, the bigger the potential burn.
  3. Start small. You’re trying to make an impact, but diving headfirst into full automation can lead to headaches. Scale gradually, testing as you go along. Understand the nuances—nothing replaces learning from real-world experience.


Not every startup is the same, and you need to assess if automated trading aligns with your goals. If you’re bogged down by manual processes, automation will free up time, allowing your team to focus on innovation, strategy, and scaling. However, it requires a degree of trust and regular monitoring to ensure it fits with your general business goals.

The bottom line is this: bringing an automated trading solution into your startup could be game-changing, but success won’t come just by turning on the machine. Plan carefully, and use the time it saves wisely.

The future is automated—but only winners know how to use it right.



